We've integrated ChatGPT into our Discord server....A real use for AI

February 24th, 2023

As a business owner, you know that managing teams comes with its own unique set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring that your team has access to the knowledge they need to do their jobs effectively. That's where ChatGPT comes in. By integrating ChatGPT into your Discord server (we use this to stay in touch, think of it like Teams for nerds), you can give your team instant access to a powerful knowledge base that can help them solve problems and make better decisions.

You may have heard a lot of talk about ChatGPT, but without real-world examples of how it's being used, it can be hard to understand its benefits. That's why we're here to share how we've integrated it into our daily lives.

The premise is simple, when on Discord anyone simply types '/ask' followed by the question they want an answer to:

We've made this work by writing heavily weighed prompts that run in the background. Before we send the question we make sure that it knows exactly what our tech stack is so the answers we get back are relevant.

Here are some of the benefits our team has experienced by integrating ChatGPT into our Discord server:

  1. Instant access to information: Our team members work from different locations, which means they don't have immediate access to colleagues who can answer their questions. With ChatGPT, they can get answers to their questions in seconds, without having to wait for someone to respond to a message or email.

  2. Better decision-making: Our team often works on complex projects that require a lot of research and analysis. ChatGPT can help our team make better decisions by providing them with accurate and up-to-date information. For example, if a team member is unsure about a coding syntax, they can ask ChatGPT and get an answer right away.

  3. Improved collaboration: ChatGPT has improved collaboration among our team members. When team members have access to the same information, it's easier for them to work together and make progress. For example, if a team member is stuck on a coding problem, they can ask ChatGPT for help and share the solution with the rest of the team.

  4. Cost-effective: As a small business, we're always looking for ways to save money. ChatGPT is a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. We don't need to invest in expensive software or hire a team of experts to get the information we need. With ChatGPT, we can get the answers we need quickly and easily.

  5. Scalable: We're a growing business, and we need solutions that can scale as we grow. ChatGPT can scale to meet our needs, whether we have a small team or a large enterprise.

Integrating ChatGPT into our Discord server was a simple process that took just a few steps. Once it was up and running, our team started using ChatGPT to get the information they need. Whether they're working on a project or dealing with a complex issue, ChatGPT has helped our team be more productive, make better decisions, and collaborate more effectively.

Finally, guess what wrote 80% of this post you're reading now? Yep, ChatGTP.

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